Showing posts with label learn Photoshop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label learn Photoshop. Show all posts

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Read Downloading, Installing and Editing fonts in Photoshop Now

Design Quote from Steve Jobs
In this tutorial you will learn how to download a font from the website "dafonts", install onto your computer, and how to change and style the font using the properties of the Text Tool in Photoshop.

Step one:

Create new file

Creating a new file 

Step Two:

Go to the website “dafont”. And select desired font to download. I have chosen the font called “Elkwood” for this demo.

"" Logo

The file will download as a zip file in the download area. Double click to unzip the folder and install the font file. This will then appear in the text section in Photoshop.

Installing of the font 

Step Three:

In Photoshop select the Text tool to create new text.

Text Tool option on Photoshop

Selected the font “Elkwood”. And click on the canvas. This will create a new layer.

Creating a new "Layer" in Photoshop

Step Four:

Enter your desired text. For the demo I am using a quote from Steve Jobs creator of Apple “Design is not what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works”.

Example of the text used

I am now going to add different character setting using the character and paragraph panels.

Selecting the Character and Paragraph panels to change the text 

By changing the settings in the character and paragraph panels, it allows you to selected different sizes for the font, different colours. It also gives you the option to space out the letter both horizontal (across) and vertical (up and down). I have changed the font size, the colour and both the horizontal and vertical of the text. As shown in the image below.

Different options used in the Character and Paragraph for the text

Step Five:

Effects after changing the settings in the character and paragraph panels.. For this demo I have added a drop shadow to the text. To do this you need to right click on the text layer and a drop bar will appear, here you can select the blending mode to create different effects to the text. The Blending options show in the below image.

Blending Options on the drop down menu

Then I selected to add a drop shadow to the text. I added in different settings as show in the image below. This gives a shadow effect to the text. The sample is not intended to be inspiring! But rather a simple example showing that the text can be edited. Explore the various layers styles to create a text effect that suits your design project.

Setting for adding a Drop Shadow to the text layer in Photoshop


Original text with no effects in Photoshop

After adding the different effects on the text:

Drop Shadow effect and Character effects done to the text in Photoshop

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Image inside text using Photoshop

finished piece
Finished piece

Step 1.

In Photoshop pen up an image you want to be inside the text

open file in Photoshop
Open file in Photoshop

select image
Select image

Step 2.

Create a text layer and add some text to it. In this example, I have typed the word 'Space'.

Step 3.

Right click on your image layer, in my case it is 'pink_gallaxy', and select the 'create clipping mask' option from the list that appears.

create clipping mask
Create clipping mask

Step 4.

Add a background colour (if you want) and that's it, simple as that.

Completed text effect with image inside it
Completed text effect with image inside it

Tip: you can left click inside the text and drag the image around to set it up the way you want.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Design a Movie Poster In Photoshop

Movie Poster Tutorial
completed movie poster

1. To create this horror movie poster we will be using a selection of copyright free images, as seen below. First open these files in Photoshop by going to File-> Open and navigating through your files and selecting the relevant images. 


2. For the poster, we will be using an A3 canvas, to create an A3 canvas go to File-> New and in the options window choose International Paper as the Preset and A3 as the size.

3. Next open the house image in Photoshop, unlock the layer by double clicking the lock icon on it and selecting ok, and then use the quick selection tool (or other selection tools if using older versions of Photoshop) to select the background, press backspace or delete to remove  it.

4. The use the move tool to drag and drop the house into the A3 canvas and resize and position it as shown below, using Edit-> Transform-> Scale.

5. Next open the sky image in Photoshop and drag it onto the canvas with the move tool. Put the sky on a layer beneath the house and resize and reposition it until you are happy or it resembles the image below. 

6. Next open the road image in Photoshop and crop it down as shown below.

7. Next use the quick selection tool to select and delete all areas of the image apart from the road itself, as seen in the image below.

8. Now resize the image to fit into the canvas as shown below, to do this go to Edit-> Transform-> Scale. Ensure the road is on a layer below the house and above the sky layers.

9. Select the house layer and use the clone stamp tool to clone the existing grass into the empty space between the existing grass areas and the road. To use the clone stamp tool, Alt + Click to define a source point from which to copy then click over the area you want to 'brush' it into. Be aware the source point follows you around so you will have to repeatedly redefine new source point. Don't get too particular about it though as there will be multiple layers overlaid on top of the grass very soon, so just aim to achieve a basic coverage of the empty space.

10. Now open the man image into Photoshop and as with the other image, unlock the layer, remove the background using the quick selection tool, move it into the A3 canvas and move and resize it using Edit-> Transform-> Scale.

11. Now open the fire, paper, wood and eyes images in Photoshop. We will first drag and drop the fire and paper images onto the main canvas and stretch them to fit the full canvas. Next select each layer individually and select Layer-> Layer Styles-> Blending Options. In the pop up window choose the overlay blending option for the fire and drop the opacity below 50%. For the paper choose multiply.

11. The wood image requires editing before it is blended. First it will need to be removed from its background, cropped down, moved onto the canvas and stretched to fit half the canvas. Next go to Layer-> Duplicate Layer to create a copy, go to Edit-> Transform-> Flip Horizontally and then Flip Vertically. Now position the two wood layers so they fill the entire canvas as shown below.

12. To blend the wood into the image go to Layer-> Layer Styles-> Blending Options. In the pop up window choose the overlay blending option.

13. The final image to be blended in is the eyes. As before drag and drop it onto the canvas, resize it to a size you are happy with and blend it using the multiply blending option.

14. Now we will use the paper layer to create a rough, black border around the edge of the poster. Select the paper layer and use the magic wand tool to select the white area around the paper (you may need to use the ‘add to selection’ option to get all the area selected at once. While retaining the selection move from layer to layer hitting delete or backspace to remove the content within the selection until all layers, except the background later, are completed. Then deselect (Ctrl+D shortcut) and select the background layer and use the paint bucket tool to fill it in black.

15. The final part of the image is the text. The font I have chosen is called Calame and is available for free download HERE. The title I have chosen is Abandoned but you can choose any title you like. The image below shows the Layer styles used on the text. A basic drop shadow was added and then an inner shadow was added to increase the scratched looked of the text.

16. Next additional text was added to represent the actors in the movie and quotes from reviews of the movie. I have chosen to use the same font style as the heading (Calame) but again the choice is yours. As a final touch I duplicated the paper layer and placed it above the text as the very top layer, as shown below.

17. And that it, your poster should look like the one below...

Movie Poster Tutorial
The completed Movie Poster

If you enjoyed this check out our new video tutorial on how to create a Sci-fi movie poster.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Magazine Cover Design Features

Magazine Cover Design Features
Magazine Cover Design Layout

Designing a Magazine Cover? Then you need to be aware of these industry standard features, Both from a technical and a design point of view. First the Technical...



Professional Magazine Covers (and therefore magazines themselves) are not A4 in size. This is a common misconception. The actual size is similar to A4 though; 8.5 inches x 11 inches is the standard.


Your Magazine Cover should include the magazine name, tagline and selected article headings.

Main Image: 

You should ideally use just one main image. It should be a high quality image ideally on a plain background.

Little Details:  

Don't forget the Date, Price, Issue No. and Barcode

So with all those things in place you will technically have a magazine cover, but how do you make sure it is a good one...? Now lets look at the design.


Main Image:

Your image should be the dominant element on the cover, it should take up at least two thirds of the cover and should contrast with the background, keeping it centrally aligned it also best. It should also utilise at least one of the Attention Grabbing Technique. The most effective being Sexy or Iconic, if you use an attractive celebrity you will be achieving both at the same time, hence the reason they adorn the cover of most magazines. When using people use either head and shoulders or waist up photos for best impact.

Magazine Cover with Iconic Celebrity
Magazine Cover Using Iconic Celebrity On The Cover
The magazine title text is best large and bold old in a sans-serif font. The style of the font should also be appropriate to the style and topic of the magazine.  

Sub-Headings are best aligned to the sides, should include a variety of font styles, colours and sizes all still in sans-serif (see the sample below), contrast with the background and use buzz words or better still any of the 12 most powerful words

Magazine Cover
Magazine Cover utilising variety of sub heading styles, colours and sizes

And not forgetting the little details: They should be kept small, discreet and out of view (unless they are a feature of the sale – e.g. special discounted price)

So if you have taken all this on board are are still interested in creating your own magazine cover design then see our create a magazine cover tutorial. You may also be interested in reading about the most powerful words in the English language, which tend to feature regularly and prominently on magazine covers.

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