Showing posts with label how to. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to. Show all posts

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Read How to use Bezier Curves in Blender Now

An edited curve

What are curves within Blender?

Curves within blender are normally used to create the outline of an object or trace over something e.g. a picture. It is similar to the pen tool in Photoshop as to how it works and what it’s used for. There are two types of Curves, Bezier and Circle.

How to use the Curve tool

In this tutorial I will be drawing a Batman logo to show you how to use the Bezier Curve.

Step One:When you are ready to add your curve in to the stage, go into Orthographic view (numpad 5) and top down view (numpad 7) and delete the default box by right clicking it and pressing x then clicking delete. Then press shift+A> Curves>Bezier Curve and you will see the following:

newly added curve

This is your curve. It cannot be edited or re-shaped until you go into edit mode by pressing TAB. Once there you should see this:

handles on curve

The layout the curve is in can look quite complicated and the arrows tend to throw people off. If you’d prefer to turn them off press N then in the new menu that appears, under “Curve display” un-tick normal as shown below and the arrows will disappear.

getting rid of normal

Step Two: To change the shape of the curves you use the handles which are the red straight lines coming from the points. The points between the two red handles, on the curved line are where the curve's control points are. These points can be moved to change where the curve actually is. The red lines can be adjusted in length and position. The length changes how big the curve is and the position changes the direction. Play around with the handles a bit to get used to them.

adjusting the handles

Step Three:If you practised step two you will notice that when you change the position of one handle, the other handle stays in line with the one you changed. This is because of the handle type. To change this press V and click on vector and you will notice the handles go green and can be adjusted freely.

vector handles

The vector handles are necessary to create shapes where the curves on either side of a point go in different directions e.g. the Batman logo wings as seen below. To add a new point, right click the point you want it added on to, and press E (for extrude). You will then notice you are dragging a new point. Place it in a suitable location and adjust it how you want.

adding a new point

Continue this process until you have the shape you want. If the shape you want to make is symmetrical, you only need to draw up half of the shape. To see the shape without handles, go back into object mode using TAB. To continue editing, press TAB again.

how to see your shape

Step Four:If the shape your drawing with your curves is symmetrical then you will need to duplicate it, then mirror it. To do this get out of edit mode into object mode, press Shift+D then enter and then press CTRL+M+X then enter. Reposition it if it is off.

mirroring your shape

This has given us two different Bezier curves which can’t be edited at the same time. To change this go into object mode, right click one so it is highlighted as above, then Shift right click the other and press Shift+J to join them. You can then TAB back into edit mode. Here you can right click one point, then shift right click the corresponding one on the mirror side, and press F to connect them (stands for fill).This is how I connected the head above and the tail below.

finished shape

When you connect the two points at the bottom for the tail, you need to add a new point in the middle to drag down. To do this click subdivide in the left toolbar after you connect them by pressing F, as shown below:

subdividing your curve line

Step Five:We now have the outline of our shape finished but now we can make it more detailed, or turn it into a rendered image. This last step is not necessary, but it is good practice and turns the curve into a nice image.To begin this process we have to click the curves tab in the right toolbar and change it to 2D to fill the shape in. make sure you have the curve selected to get the curve tab to show. you can also change the resolution to 24 to give it more definition.

making your curve solid

You can then go to the top of the stage to where it says blender render and change it to cycles render. After that, click the world tab (you must have nothing selected. Press A while over the stage to deselect if you have anything selected) in the right toolbar to get the menu below displayed.

making your curve an image

changing colour of background

In this menu go to surface and change the colour to what you want the background of the image to look like. I chose black.

You can then right click the curve and click the material tab in the same area where the world tab was. Add a material by clicking the add material button then go down to surface. change the surface to emission, then pick the colour you want to use.

changing colour of curve

Finally, position your view of the image to wherever you want the camera to be. I recommend using a top down view (numpad 7). You then press CTRL+ALT+Numpad 0 to set the cameras location. You can press numpad 0 again to exit out of the camera view. Right click the camera then click the camcorder tab in the same place where the world and material tabs were. Change to Orthographic and use the Focal Length and the Shift options shown below to reposition the camera. To view these changes press numpad 0 over the stage again to show the view. It will update to the changes you make in real time.

taking a picture

Once you’re happy with the position of the camera and the other settings you have made, click the camera tab and then click render, or just hover over the stage and press F12 to take a rendered image of your curve. As you can see below, I have a fully finished rendered image of my custom made batman logo.

Bezier Curve Batman Logo in Blender
final image

Read How To Remove Green Eye In An Image Now

dog with green eye
Green Eye In A Photo

This tutorial will teach you how to remove green eye in pictures. Green eye commonly occurs in dogs and cats. This picture of a dog needs to be edited because the dog’s eyes appear green due to an effect the camera flash has on animals’ eyes. I will use the polygonal lasso tool, the sponge tool, the burn tool and the blur tool.

Step 1: Open Adobe Photoshop and import the image you wish to edit.

Step 2: Use the zoom tool to zoom in closer on the dogs’ eyes.

zoom on dogs face
Zoomed In On The Dogs Face

Step 3: Select the polygonal lasso tool and trace around the green part of the dogs eyes.

tracing the eyes using polygonal lasso tool
The Trace Around The Dogs Eyes Using The Polygonal Lasso Tool

Step 4: Select the sponge tool and set the size to approximately 15 pixels. Make sure the mode is set to desaturate and click over the dogs eyes so the green colour will desaturate.

using the sponge tool to desaturate colour in the eyes
Using The Sponge Tool To Desaturate The Colour In The Eyes

Step 5: Select the burn tool and set the range to shadows and the exposure to 17% and click on the eyes to make them darker.

using the burn tool
Using The Burn Tool To Darken The Dogs Eyes

Step 6: Select the blur tool and set the size to approximately 10 pixels and the strength to 15%. Click and go around the pupils so it will appear smoother and less sharp and jagged.

using the blur tool to smooth out the eyes
Using The Blur Tool To Make The Eyes Appear Smoother

Click here to see our How To Remove Red Eye Tutorial.

Read Downloading, Installing and Editing fonts in Photoshop Now

Design Quote from Steve Jobs
In this tutorial you will learn how to download a font from the website "dafonts", install onto your computer, and how to change and style the font using the properties of the Text Tool in Photoshop.

Step one:

Create new file

Creating a new file 

Step Two:

Go to the website “dafont”. And select desired font to download. I have chosen the font called “Elkwood” for this demo.

"" Logo

The file will download as a zip file in the download area. Double click to unzip the folder and install the font file. This will then appear in the text section in Photoshop.

Installing of the font 

Step Three:

In Photoshop select the Text tool to create new text.

Text Tool option on Photoshop

Selected the font “Elkwood”. And click on the canvas. This will create a new layer.

Creating a new "Layer" in Photoshop

Step Four:

Enter your desired text. For the demo I am using a quote from Steve Jobs creator of Apple “Design is not what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works”.

Example of the text used

I am now going to add different character setting using the character and paragraph panels.

Selecting the Character and Paragraph panels to change the text 

By changing the settings in the character and paragraph panels, it allows you to selected different sizes for the font, different colours. It also gives you the option to space out the letter both horizontal (across) and vertical (up and down). I have changed the font size, the colour and both the horizontal and vertical of the text. As shown in the image below.

Different options used in the Character and Paragraph for the text

Step Five:

Effects after changing the settings in the character and paragraph panels.. For this demo I have added a drop shadow to the text. To do this you need to right click on the text layer and a drop bar will appear, here you can select the blending mode to create different effects to the text. The Blending options show in the below image.

Blending Options on the drop down menu

Then I selected to add a drop shadow to the text. I added in different settings as show in the image below. This gives a shadow effect to the text. The sample is not intended to be inspiring! But rather a simple example showing that the text can be edited. Explore the various layers styles to create a text effect that suits your design project.

Setting for adding a Drop Shadow to the text layer in Photoshop


Original text with no effects in Photoshop

After adding the different effects on the text:

Drop Shadow effect and Character effects done to the text in Photoshop

Read Understanding Layers & Groups In Photoshop Now

chile flag

To show you how layers work in this tutorial I am going to create the flag of Chile as an example.
Layers are an important part of Adobe Photoshop to understand and using groups to keep them organised is also important to  help make it easier to keep track of layers. I will show you how to use groups in this tutorial.

Step 1: 

Create a white background, in this example I have used an A-3 size which is 420 x 297 mm in landscape mode.

setting page properties
Setting Up The Page

Step 2:

Select the rectangle shape tool and create a rectangle by holding shift which will keep all sides at the same aspect ratio.

using the shape tool
Using The Shape Tool To Make A Blue Rectangle

Step 3: 

Select the rectangle tool again and create another red rectangle that takes up the bottom half of the white A-3 background.

using the shape tool to create a red rectangle
Using The Shape Tool To Make A Red Rectangle

Step 4: 

Select the custom shape tool and go to all shapes. Select the star shape and size it appropriately to the size of the flag. Then place it over the blue rectangle layer.

using the custom shape tool
Using The Custom Shape Tool To Place A Star

Step 5: 

To make the area inside the star white, select the eraser tool and erase the blue part to reveal the white background layer underneath it.

using the eraser tool
Using The Eraser Tool On The Inside Of The Star

Step 6: 

As you see if you press the eye symbol beside a layer the layer will no longer be visible. To make the layer visible again simply press the box where the eye symbol was and the layer will now be visible again. Here I have turned off the blue rectangle layer.

using the eye symbol
Demonstrating Layer Visibility

Step 7: 

To put all of the shapes into the one layer you need to combine the layers. To do this go to Layer and select Merge Layers and all of the shapes will now be in one layer.

merging layers together
Layers Merged Together

Grouping Layers

Putting layers in groups is a good way to keep a project organised.

Step 1: 

Select the "create new group" folder icon underneath the layer section on the right side of the page. Name the group accordingly to what you will put in it. Here I have named the group "shapes".

creating a new group
Group Created

Step 2: 

Hold the shift key and click on the layers that you wish to put into a group. Now drag them into the group by holding the mouse over the group and let go. The layers are now placed in the group.

placing layers into a group
Layers Inside Group

Read Optimising Images for the web Now

Optimising an image in Photoshop
In this tutorial you will learn how to change the size by using the crop tool and how to optimise an image for the web in Photoshop. When an image is optimise it helps for a faster download when using the image on the web.

Step One:

In Photoshop, open up an image that you have saved by clicking on open and selecting the image you need.

Opening the image to be used in Photoshop

The image I am using the below image for the demo. I downloaded the image from google images. It is a non-copyright image,that means it’s free to use without having to pay any fees. I searched in the “Search Tools” area in google images and selected “Usage Rights” and selected “Labeled for reuse with modification”.

Selecting the usage rights on Google Images

Image used for the demo 

Image used for cropping and optimising in Photoshop

Step Two:

If you would like to get rid of any unwanted area of the image, you can crop the image. You can use the crop tool as show below to get rid of unwanted areas.

Selecting the Crop Tool in Photoshop

Appearance of the Crop Tool on Photoshop

Selection area on the image once the Crop Tool is selected in Photoshop

Step Three:

To save this image to use for the web. Click on file and the selected “saving for the web”.

Selecting  "Save for Web" in the file area on Photoshop

Step Four:

The “Save for web” window will appear. In this window, selected 4-Up, select png-24 for a faster download and for a greater number of colours of the image to be displayed when using it for on the web. 

Pop up menu to help you to select the correct format for your image to use for the web

Then you can save your image as beach_opt.png. 

Saving your optimized image 
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