Showing posts with label circles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label circles. Show all posts

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Read How to use Bezier Curves in Blender Now

An edited curve

What are curves within Blender?

Curves within blender are normally used to create the outline of an object or trace over something e.g. a picture. It is similar to the pen tool in Photoshop as to how it works and what it’s used for. There are two types of Curves, Bezier and Circle.

How to use the Curve tool

In this tutorial I will be drawing a Batman logo to show you how to use the Bezier Curve.

Step One:When you are ready to add your curve in to the stage, go into Orthographic view (numpad 5) and top down view (numpad 7) and delete the default box by right clicking it and pressing x then clicking delete. Then press shift+A> Curves>Bezier Curve and you will see the following:

newly added curve

This is your curve. It cannot be edited or re-shaped until you go into edit mode by pressing TAB. Once there you should see this:

handles on curve

The layout the curve is in can look quite complicated and the arrows tend to throw people off. If you’d prefer to turn them off press N then in the new menu that appears, under “Curve display” un-tick normal as shown below and the arrows will disappear.

getting rid of normal

Step Two: To change the shape of the curves you use the handles which are the red straight lines coming from the points. The points between the two red handles, on the curved line are where the curve's control points are. These points can be moved to change where the curve actually is. The red lines can be adjusted in length and position. The length changes how big the curve is and the position changes the direction. Play around with the handles a bit to get used to them.

adjusting the handles

Step Three:If you practised step two you will notice that when you change the position of one handle, the other handle stays in line with the one you changed. This is because of the handle type. To change this press V and click on vector and you will notice the handles go green and can be adjusted freely.

vector handles

The vector handles are necessary to create shapes where the curves on either side of a point go in different directions e.g. the Batman logo wings as seen below. To add a new point, right click the point you want it added on to, and press E (for extrude). You will then notice you are dragging a new point. Place it in a suitable location and adjust it how you want.

adding a new point

Continue this process until you have the shape you want. If the shape you want to make is symmetrical, you only need to draw up half of the shape. To see the shape without handles, go back into object mode using TAB. To continue editing, press TAB again.

how to see your shape

Step Four:If the shape your drawing with your curves is symmetrical then you will need to duplicate it, then mirror it. To do this get out of edit mode into object mode, press Shift+D then enter and then press CTRL+M+X then enter. Reposition it if it is off.

mirroring your shape

This has given us two different Bezier curves which can’t be edited at the same time. To change this go into object mode, right click one so it is highlighted as above, then Shift right click the other and press Shift+J to join them. You can then TAB back into edit mode. Here you can right click one point, then shift right click the corresponding one on the mirror side, and press F to connect them (stands for fill).This is how I connected the head above and the tail below.

finished shape

When you connect the two points at the bottom for the tail, you need to add a new point in the middle to drag down. To do this click subdivide in the left toolbar after you connect them by pressing F, as shown below:

subdividing your curve line

Step Five:We now have the outline of our shape finished but now we can make it more detailed, or turn it into a rendered image. This last step is not necessary, but it is good practice and turns the curve into a nice image.To begin this process we have to click the curves tab in the right toolbar and change it to 2D to fill the shape in. make sure you have the curve selected to get the curve tab to show. you can also change the resolution to 24 to give it more definition.

making your curve solid

You can then go to the top of the stage to where it says blender render and change it to cycles render. After that, click the world tab (you must have nothing selected. Press A while over the stage to deselect if you have anything selected) in the right toolbar to get the menu below displayed.

making your curve an image

changing colour of background

In this menu go to surface and change the colour to what you want the background of the image to look like. I chose black.

You can then right click the curve and click the material tab in the same area where the world tab was. Add a material by clicking the add material button then go down to surface. change the surface to emission, then pick the colour you want to use.

changing colour of curve

Finally, position your view of the image to wherever you want the camera to be. I recommend using a top down view (numpad 7). You then press CTRL+ALT+Numpad 0 to set the cameras location. You can press numpad 0 again to exit out of the camera view. Right click the camera then click the camcorder tab in the same place where the world and material tabs were. Change to Orthographic and use the Focal Length and the Shift options shown below to reposition the camera. To view these changes press numpad 0 over the stage again to show the view. It will update to the changes you make in real time.

taking a picture

Once you’re happy with the position of the camera and the other settings you have made, click the camera tab and then click render, or just hover over the stage and press F12 to take a rendered image of your curve. As you can see below, I have a fully finished rendered image of my custom made batman logo.

Bezier Curve Batman Logo in Blender
final image

Monday, February 22, 2016

The Meaning of Shapes

The meaning of shapes
Different shapes have different meanings

The meaning of shapes can vary widely depending on the type of shape, its context and the culture analysing it. Shapes can also be either positive or negative. Be conscious of the shapes you form with negative space as these are just as, if not more, important than the shapes you form with positive space and can also effect the perceived meaning of a design. The common shapes shown below will be the focus on the analysis in this article as we discuss the meaning of circles, squares, rectangles, triangles, spirals and crosses.

The Different Types Of Shapes

There are 3 distinct types of shapes, they are geometric shapes, natural/organic shapes and abstract shapes.

Abstract shapes

Geometric shapes are what most people think of as shapes. Circles, squares, triangles, diamonds are made up of regular patterns that are easily recognizable. This regularity suggests organization and efficiency. It suggests structure. Geometric shapes tend to be symmetrical further suggesting order.

Natural/Organic shapes

Natural/Organic shapes are irregular. They have more curves and are uneven. They tend to be pleasing and comforting. While they can be man-made (ink blobs), they are more typically representative of shapes found in nature such as a leaves, rocks, and clouds. On a web page organic shapes are generally created through the use of illustration and photography. They are free form and asymmetrical and convey feelings of spontaneity. Organic shapes add interest and reinforce themes.

Abstract shapes

Abstract shapes have a recognizable form, but are not real. They are stylized or simplified versions of organic shapes. A stick figure is an abstract shape depicting a person. Typographic glyphs are abstract shapes to represent letters. Icons are abstract shapes to represent ideas and concepts. Some abstract shapes have near universal recognition. Think of some of the icons you see in the software you use daily.

The Meaning of Shapes

There are truly an endless variety of shapes and combination of shapes, each communicating its own meaning and message. Often the meaning behind shapes is cultural (a red octagon as a stop sign), particularly as shapes are combined. We’ll confine ourselves to a discussion of some basic geometric shapes here and discuss their meanings. 

Overall curved shapes offer rhythm and movement, happiness, pleasure and generosity. They are seen as more feminine than sharp shapes which offer energy, violence and, anger. Sharp shapes are lively and youthful and are seen as more masculine.


The meaning of the circle

Circles protect, they endure, they restrict, they confine what’s within and keep things out and their completeness suggests the infinite, unity, and harmony. Their movement suggests energy and power. Because circles are less common in design they work well to attract attention, provide emphasis, and set things apart. Circles represent and suggest many things such as ...

- community, integrity, and perfection
- the sun, the earth, the moon, the universe
- familiar objects such as wheels, balls, many kinds of fruit
- well-roundedness and completeness

Squares and rectangles

The meaning of the square
Rectangles are the most common geometric shape encountered. The majority of text we read is set in rectangles or squares. Squares and rectangles are stable, they are generally not attention getters, but can be tilted to add an unexpected twist. Overall squares and rectangles are familiar and trusted shapes which represent and suggest things such as...

- order and formality
- mathematics and rationality
- conformity, security and solidity
- evenness, equality and peacefulness


The meaning of the triangle

Triangles can direct movement based which way they point, they can be stable when sitting on their base or unstable when not.Triangles have energy and power and their stable/unstable dynamic can suggest either conflict or steady strength. Triangles can be used to suggest...

- progression, direction, and purpose
- pyramids, arrows and pennants
- self-discovery and revelation
- law, science, and religion
- dynamic tension, action, and aggression


The meaning of the spiral

Spirals are expressions of creativity. They are often found in the natural growth pattern of many organisms and suggest the process of growth and evolution. Double spirals can be used to symbolize opposing forces. They are cycles of time, life, and the seasons and are a common shape in religious and mystical symbolism. Spirals can be used to suggest...

- fertility, birth, death, expansion, and transformation
- returning to the same point on a journey
- the release of energy and flexibility through transformation
- the projection of an intention (when clockwise)
- the fulfilment of an intention (when counter clockwise)


The meaning of the cross

Crosses are seen as the meeting place of divine energies. The 4 points of a cross represent self, nature, wisdom, and higher power or being. As with lines vertical shapes are seen as strong and horizontal shapes are seen as peaceful. Everything said about vertical and horizontal lines can be said about vertical and horizontal shapes. Crosses can be used to suggest...

- spirituality, life and healing
- transition and change
- faith, unity, temperance, hope
- relationships and synthesis

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